Mrs. H B Kaur Sahney
Mr. Sant Singh Sahney was the founder of the School. He was a philanthropist and wanted to leave a permanent valuable institution for the benefit of the people of Khar.
He gave the responsibility of setting up the School to eldest daughter-in -law Mrs HanwantBir Kaur Sahney. Mrs H.Bir Kaur Sahney is a M.A. in English and Hindi and was excited to be executive founder of the school.
Though the School was in Khar and she lived in South Bombay, still she made the journey every morning to be in school which she continues till date. On the day of opening of the school she put her son Devesh who was then three years old as the first student and issued a receipt with the amount and his name.
Like a seed sown and nurtured, starts growing, the school also started to grow. From nursery to preprimary. Mrs Sahney made tremendous efforts and after numerous visits to the department she succeeded in receiving permission from pre primary to primary and primary to secondary. Now the efforts and still in to reach their goal of Junior college. Mrs H.B Kaur Sahney has dedicated her life to the school and continues to do so.
Mrs H.B Kaur had the full support of her husband Mr. Trilochan Singh Sahney to bring the school to this level.
The school has not only contributed to educating the children but on learning hygiene, etc., they have brought awareness and improved the outlook of their family and uplifting the living condition of the local area.